As wisely said by Pablo Picasso, “The chief enemy of creativity is good sense,” we at Yagappa set no boundaries for imagination. Learners are provided the opportunity to express their creativity in the annual art competition Shades.
The importance of public speaking is stressed persistently on our leaners who are to lead the world in the near-future. We understand how important it is for our students to be able to speak confidently without stage-fright and that is why Influencia, our annual elocution competition is held. This is a platform where learners could develop their public speaking skills without any fear.
An Intra-class rhyme recitation competition where our young poets enjoy the beauty of expression and the music of words.
Yagappites are always given the opportunity of creativity and imagination every year to prove their oratorical skills and the elegance of self presentation. Learners are always open to share their thoughts through informative stories.
Creative fantasy at Yagappa, is a showcase of imagination and creativity by our learners. They dress up not only as imaginary characters but as well as portraying real life people.
The children come up as simple as little trees to as huge as spaceships. They fantasise as famous poets as well as community helpers.
The learners prove that “Creativity is intelligence having fun…” as quoted by Albert Einstein.
Brainstorm, an inter-school hunt for knowledge, is conducted every year in our school for the best brains of different schools. We are always very proud to host Brainstorm, our annual inter-school quiz competition, for classes 8 and 9. Our dynamic quiz master, Mr Susai Michael will storm the quiz fest with his astonishing, tricky and application oriented questions.
We never fail to teach our learners the importance of saving the environment by exercising conservational recycling methods. To emphasise the importance of this, our learners participate in the Best out of Waste competition where they create useful prototypes.
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